Friday 25 August 2017

Lifestyle: NEWS...

Lifestyle: NEWS...
IMG1: [link]

In my own time, I try to catch, and watch the news, for 1hr. [Some news come on at different times].

This varies for me, depending on the stories.
It helps, in a way, to know what is going on in the World, to my "own backyard". It helps to keep focus. And go about my day, sometimes, knowing something new.

Places you may view/listen/or read the news:

- banks
- libraries
- radio
, etc.

News is like, an in between substance. It creates reaction, or ACTION towards something, sometimes. Either good, or bad. Although one thing that I would like to see/hear a a SOLUTION.

Lifestyle: NEWS...
IMG2: [link]

Sometimes, I do switch it off. I try to catch myself, if I'm getting annoyed, or upset. So, " 3 strikes, and you're out".
I love the news, and I love hearing/watching stories.

I wanted to share this, because sometimes not knowing what happens, how we may just work, etc, could lead some of us to be,

- closed minded
- oblivious
- happy-go-lucky (could relate to oblivious)
, etc.

But seeing/hearing something different or relatable, creates a different concept, insight, sometimes makes a difference, and more, to MY life. And that's ok.

Lifestyle: NEWS...

We ALL have our OWN views, on certain things.

Take care. And, what is your view on the news? Any OTHER good news sources? Feel free to comment below.

Previous post:

CODEWORD: "knock-knock"
("Don't knock it, until you've tried it" ...(news wise)).


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